Emergency Services
Emergency Services

Fire stations: In case of emergencies dial 999 and ask for Fire and Rescue. For fire safety and advice dial 0300 123 4046

Police stations: In case of emergencies dial 999 and ask for Police or non-emergencies dial 101

Hospitals: If an ambulance is needed in an emergency situation dial 999.

For a full list of local Hospitals, Police and Fire Stations please visit- http://www.hertsdirect.org/contact/emergencies/

Gas: If you smell gas, telephone the gas emergency number- 0800 111 999

Electricity: If you have a problem and wish to contact local providers in an emergency, telephone- 0800 7838 838

Environment Agency Floodline- 0345 988 1188 or 0845 988 1188 http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/

Environment Agency Incident Line- 0800 80 70 60

Hertfordshire County Council Flood line: If you wish to get details on flooding, call 0845 988 1188

If there is flooding of the highway, it should be reported using the Highway Fault Reporting found via http://www.hertsdirect.org/services/transtreets/highways/hhonlineservices/hfr/

Weather forecasts: To help you to plan ahead, keep up to date with the latest forecasts via http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/

Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services emergency service: In an out of office hours social care emergency, please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 4042.

Hertfordshire County Council Children's Services emergency service: In an out of office hours emergency relating to children and their families please contact us on 0300 123 4043.

Schools: The headteacher and governors of each school make their own decisions about whether to close in bad weather, based on their individual circumstances. Schools are expected to be open as usual whenever possible. You can check to see your school's status via contacting the school directly.

Housing: In an emergency homeless situation, you should contact 01279 655261 and an answerphone message will direct you to the emergency out of hours service for housing assistance.

RSPCA: To report animals in distress dial 0300 1234 999